Silent Sound System has special offers for nonprofit organizations!

As a nonprofit organization, we know you are doing important work on a tight budget. Nonprofit partnerships helped make Silent Sound System who we are, and because of this, we have options to help your nonprofit create a great event at an affordable price for you.

If you are a nonprofit near Silent Sound System's office in Wilkes-Barre, PA:

We can provide event setup and support at local venues! We bring the equipment and check the headphones out and in. We'll make sure there's no hassle for you other than marketing the event.

We want to help you as much as we can. Please contact us for more information!

If your nonprofit organization is further away:

Please contact us to learn more about nonprofit partnerships with Silent Sound System. Mention your nonprofit status and provide your EIN to receive a discounted quote for your rental, so you can host your own event!

Have Questions? Contact Us!

Silent Sound System is an amazing company. They are easy to work with and provide top-of-the line services. They are fantastic, wonderful, superb and any other positive adjective you can think of. WORK WITH THEM!

Conor O'Brien, Scranton Fringe Festival

The video on this page is a recap from a fundraising event between Silent Sound System and the Scranton Fringe Festival, a local nonprofit organization in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

The Scranton Fringe Festival "is held annually across several consecutive days in multiple venues throughout downtown Scranton. Theatre, music, dance, film, comedy, puppetry and every other sort of performing-arts-production you can imagine are welcomed on the fringe! The festival is kept accessible and affordable for artists and audiences alike!"

We would love to help your nonprofit organization put on a successful fundraising event!